I LET GO of peer pressure and allow the Wisdom of my Heart to make the best choices for me.
Total Forgiveness of myself and others allows me to hear the sacred call of my Divine self, leading me home.
I LET GO of frowns and I lavish my beautiful smiles on others today, activating in them their own inner joy.
I take possession of my own original thoughts and ideas. I begin a journal or long awaited project and LET GO of wasting my vision and creativity.
When wrong, I quickly LET GO of vanity and tell the truth, modeling honesty and maturity for others.
Playing the victim role is simply ridiculous and today I LET IT GO & I CHOOSE to live powerfully and beautifully.
Today I LET GO of dark and unbecoming secrets. I stand in THE LIGHT OF TRUTH and know that the one tells the truth gets free.
I LET GO of being the victim of my own bad habits and self-neglect. I know that I Am lovable, in spite of the duke of he past. I now commit to HABITS OF SUCCESS.
I LET GO of the ridiculous and I choose to take the high road!
My Supernatural Self naturally LETS GO so only goodness can man-i-fest in my life!
Today I LET GO of trivial and meaningless conversations and I embrace the PEACE within me.
I LET GO of any thoughts that counteract the good that belongs to me in this life!
I let go of the shame of past mistakes and I joyfully make healthy new choices.
Today I LET GO of selfishness and move into SELFLESSNESS with an attitude of gratitude and service.
Taking the beam out of my own eye first, I LET GO of judgments about my brothers and sisters and learn to see them through the eyes of love.
Self-sabotage is simply ridiculous and I RELEASE any unconscious beliefs and behaviors that contradict the good that I deserve in my life.
Today I LET GO of "looking good in the eyes of others" because faking it and pretending is simply ridiculous. Today I RELEASE vanity and resolve to just be myself.
Today I plant the seeds of forgiveness and move on to harvest the seeds of love and kindness that were planted years ago, celebrating the relationships and smiles that enrich my life.
Today nothing shall ruffle my feathers. I am open, joyful and free of the ridiculous!
This day I LET GO of criticisms and judgments and move into self-acceptance and acceptance of others.
Today I LET GO of self-importance and I commit to making others feel good about themselves.
Today I LET GO of complaining about why my relationship isn't working and work on being in right relationship with myself, first and foremost.
When I LET GO of my need to be right and listen with my heart, I am able to make room in my relationships for better communication.
Today I throw my unforgiveness into the sea of forgetfulness. I LET GO and move on to new horizons.
I LET GO of peer pressure and allow the wisdom of my heart to make the best choices for me.
As I LET GO of self-indulgence and addictions to things to fill up a feeling of emptiness, I gain complete self-awarenessand I AM made whole.
Today I LET GO of hesitation and make BOLD NEW CHOICES to do what needs to be done NOW!
Today I receive the joy of LETTING GO of personal self interests and focus on making someone else happy!
I LET GO of my fixed views and I strive to see things from a new point of view.
I allow myself to LET GO of negative self-talk and speak to myself with love.
Today I LET GO of the need to blame anyone for anything and I take full responsibility for my decision and my part in everything. I learn my lessons and then I happily move on to new experiences.
Today I LET GO of all ideas of separation and realize that we are one family of humanity and our fates are inextricably linked. One for all, all for one is a new thought I can embrace.
When I fully connect to The Divine, I am able to LET GO, RELEASE and PURIFY my thoughts; breathe deeply; and live in this present moment.
I realize that carrying grades is simply ridiculous and I resolve to LET GO of past hurts and offenses and focus on what is good in myself and others.
Today I fill my mind with thoughts of peace, courage and respect. I easily LET GO of anything that is not.
LIGMO means letting go the past and moving on to my higher good where I belong.
LETTING GO of the suffocating need to be right opens me up to new ways of seeing people, situations and possible solutions
Today I LET GO of worry and focus my energy on being part of the solution, right here, right now, today!
Today I LET GO of thinking more, better and different will bring me lasting satisfaction. I and learning to be happy with myself in each moment.
LIGMO means FREEDOM and today is an excellent day to LET IT GO AND MOVE ON!
I Am physically relaxed and mentally alert as I LET GO of mental chatter and interference and connect to my inner wisdom that always knows what's best for me. I trust my inner guidance system.
As I LET go of the fear of criticism, I find the courage to speak my truth. Today I LET GO and move into courageousness.
Its simply ridiculous to hold on to matters that have no meaning and purpose in my life. Today I choose to LIGMO!
Today I look into the mirror, deeply into my own eyes, LETTING GO of the thought that I might not like what I see. I am worthy, capable and lovable.
Today I LET GO of trivial matters and stay focused on what's important: Love and respect being on the top of my list.
I am LETTING GO of the need to impress others with my status symbols, which are a burden. I move into simple living and enjoying the small pleasures that are hidden all around me.
Letting my light shine is fun, especially when its from the heart and free from the ego's need for attention.
Self-awareness requires me to LET GO of minding other people's business and focus on my own reasons for living.
Today I join the LIGMO Movement and I LET IT GO and MOVE On to higher ground where I belong.
Today I am humbled by LETTING GO of personal ego, which is the only way I can make room for true growth.